Saturday, February 11, 2012

So Here's the Sitch

It's been awhile since I've posted.  The morning after my last post I checked myself into the hospital.  I was there for 8 days.  Wow, I could tell you stories about the hospital, but I won't.  I signed a confidentiality agreement.  Anyway, I came out with a new antipsychotic - Geodon.  It works great for my psychosis.  I haven't seen or heard anything since I came up to dose.  There is one small problem.

It's been coming on for awhile now.  Just weeks into Seroquel I felt my jaw start to clench.  That's how it started last time.  It's been gradually getting worse.  Last night when I was doing my guided imagery for therapy (works great by the way) I noticed my cheeks and lips twitching.  Tardive Dyskinesia.  This is the next step.  From here I can expect opening my mouth, which I've started to do sporatically.  You can catch it at the end of this video.

1 comment:

  1. Ignore the acne scars on my chin. Someday I'll have them lazered off.
